
Thursday 24 November 2016

Men eat this fruit and get a bigger manhood, while the women gets a big sized breasts


Date fruit it is: “A ‘date’ fruit is a one-seeded fruit of the date palm tree, which is botanically known as Phoenix dactylifera and belongs to the family of Palmae (Arecaceae) plant. The common English names are dried dates, dates, date palm, etc; usually oblong, with varying sizes, shapes, colours, consistencies and quality. Eating dates will promote sperm quality and quantity as it is one of the best natural fruits used for male fertility. It also constantly in a short while enlarges the penis and helps in lasting reasonably long during sex so as to satisfying your partner real good in bed and it increases the size of testes in men and the size of breast in women.”

This fruit is mostly seen and gotten from the northand that is why people residing in the north normaly have a good size of penis and yes can satisfy women reasonably well.
Yes is said to sugary but its not the type that results to diebetis or killing the sperm as a result of much intake of it and sugar content. The said sugry contel is but healthy and have no side effect to the human system ans as well the human organs.

Image result for date palm imagesImage result for date palm images
                                                  Image result for date palm images


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